News Politics National AAP landslide win, a message for BJP to respect diversity: Mufti

AAP landslide win, a message for BJP to respect diversity: Mufti

Jammu: Mufti Mohammad Sayeed, patron of PDP which is in talks with BJP for government formation in Jammu and Kashmir, today said AAP's landslide victory in Delhi has brought home the message “loud and clear”

aap landslide win a message for bjp to respect diversity mufti aap landslide win a message for bjp to respect diversity mufti

Jammu: Mufti Mohammad Sayeed, patron of PDP which is in talks with BJP for government formation in Jammu and Kashmir, today said AAP's landslide victory in Delhi has brought home the message “loud and clear” to the saffron party on the need to “respect” the country's diversity.

Congratulating the Arvind Kejriwal-headed AAP for its win in the Delhi Assembly polls, Sayeed said the elections have asserted India's diversity and asked Prime Minister Narendra Modi to take the lead in disciplining “divisive elements”.

“If there ever was a need for course correction for BJP the voters of Delhi have brought it home to them loud and clear,” he said in a statement.

“BJP must not ignore the message of the voters in Delhi.  The Delhi elections have asserted the diversity of our country and the need to respect it.”

On AAP's resounding victory, he said the youngest party deserves the heartiest congratulations and best wishes from every citizen of the country.

The Mufti said BJP which has emerged as the most prominent force in the country in the last general elections needs to introspect and absorb the message from Delhi electorate with sublimity.

“While it was heartening to see the people belonging to different sections of the society closing their ranks to give democracy a push, the BJP would do well to rein in the elements that had started feeling free to indulge in a divisive language and actions,” he said.  

He said the results in Delhi were a reminder of the fact that India is a country of diverse religious and cultural strains and the people of the capital have restated that fact in the most emphatic way.

“Prime Minister Narendra Modi must take lead in disciplining these elements who had started conveying a different idea of India so that the country forges ahead along its ethos of tolerance, diversity and communal harmony,” said Mufti.

BJP and PDP are in talks over formation of a coalition government in Jammu and Kashmir.

He said AAP has truly touched the right chord among various sections of people living in the metropolitan culture of Delhi, and in a way its resounding success indicates the real aspiration of the people who want to live life of dignity away from discord and disruption.

Mufti said it also underlines the need to improve the delivery system at the common man's level who should feel the relief in daily life whether it is seeking water connection, electric connection, driving license, ration without hassles and without paying bribe.