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Parineeti Chopra spotted at Priyanka Chopra's house with Fendi handbag worth Rs. 1 lakh

  • Bollywood actress Parineeti Chopra was spotted outside Priyanka Chopra's house on Wednesday. 

  • The actress was spotted wearing a loose-fitted jeans but it was her handbag that caught our attention. 

  • She was carrying a Fendi bag that costs around Rs. 1 lakh on online websites. 

  • Previously, Anushka Sharma was also seen carrying the same Fendi handbag. 

  • On the work front, Parineeti Chopra was last seen in Akshay Kumar's Kesari. 

  • She will be next seen in Jabariya Jodi opposite Sidharth Malhotra. 
