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(In Pics) Student Of The Year 2 actress Ananya Panday's pictures with SRK's kids AbRam and Suhana

  • Ananya Panday is all set to make her Bollywood debut with Karan Johar's Student Of The Year 2. Let's know more about this budding actress and her friendship with Khan kids Aryan, Suhana and AbRam. 

  • Going by her pictures, Ananya Panday is friends with Suhana Khan since her childhood. She has posted many pictures with the latter from her childhood on Instagram. 

  • The SOTY 2 actress is spotted often chilling with Shah Rukh Khan's kids Aryan, Suhana and AbRam. 

  • She posted a picture on her Instagram, showing Shanaya Kapoor, Ahaan Panday, Suhana Khan and herself from their childhood days. 

  • More than a decade f their friendship and the duo are spotted hanging out frequently with each other. Squad goals, indeed! 

  • Aryan Khan is the show stealer in this picture shared by Ananya Panday. The lad surely got his good looks from superstar dad Shah Rukh Khan

  • Ananya Panday and AbRam Khan are looking too cute in this throwback picture shared by the young actress. 
