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Manav-Archana to Dev-Sonakshi, 5 television couples that redefined #CoupleGoals

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    For years, Bollywood and Television have made our hearts flutter with desire of romance that we witness on-screen. An exceptional love story, an ideal partner, and the feeling of happily-ever-after has raised the bar for lovers old and new. Lets take a look at television’s 5 most loved couples who have redefined #CoupleGoals!

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    Manav and Archana: What started off as a love story Pavitra Rishta in 2009 made us all believe in ‘soul mates’ forever! Middle class values & upbringing; the struggle to fulfil the needs of the family and keep everyone happy; overcoming all the possible hurdles which could come in a typical love story; Manav and Archana taught us how love overcomes all of it. 

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    Raman and Ishita: If there was ever an indifferent pair in the history of TV shows, it has to be Raman aka Karan Patel and Ishita aka Divyanka Tripathi from the show ‘Yeh Hai Mohabattein’. But as we all know, it also turned out to be the best possible pair Indian Television could ever witness. The nuances they shared, their ‘nok-jhoks’, their compassion for each other in unexpected situations, especially for the storyline that required such understanding between the couple, they did it all and that ticks all the right boxes for us.

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    Priya and Ram Kapoor: Bade Acche Lagte Hain explored the worlds of two different individuals who are unmarried due to some reasons but come together and eventually fall in love post marriage. An unusual love story that celebrated ‘mature love’. What made it one of the most popular shows of its time was the unexpected but interesting pairing of Priya aka Sakshi Tanwar and Ram aka Ram Kapoor.

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    Dev and Sonakshi: Only if you live under a rock, would you not know how epic the love story of #Devakshi is. The protagonist of the show ‘Kuch Rang Pyaar Ke Aise Bhi’, Dev aka Shaheer Shaikh and Sonakshi aka Erica Fernandes have given us a dream that many would want to manifest in their lives. 

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    Guneet Sikka and Amber Sharma: If you are a believer of love happens at any age and in any situation, there are chances you still remember enjoying the show ‘Mere Dad Ki Dulhan’. The storyline of this particular show was so different, intriguing and exceptionally good that made Guneet & Amber one of the most entertaining couples on television. Shweta Tiwari as Guneet Sikka and Varun Badola as Amber Sharma were just perfect.
