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Lip Sing Battle: Shilpa Shetty and Riteish Deshmukh grace Farah Khan’s show

  • Many Bollywood celebrities have been sharing pictures from the sets of filmmaker Faran Khan’s new show Lip Sing Battle. Now, the latest B-town stars to grace the show are actors Shilpa Shetty and Riteish Deshmukh and the pictures indicate that they had barrel of fun with the host.

  • Riteish danced his heart out on the show. This is known to all that the actor likes to dance. Thus, it will be interesting for the viewers to watch him groove to the tunes of some popular tracks.

  • What can be better than watching Shilpa doing the pole dance? Yes, in the picture the lady can be seen grooving.

  • The show also features comedian Ali Asgar, who involved both the stars in a funny task.

  • Isn’t the lady looking cute in this picture? Shilpa is seen as a judge of kids dance reality show Super dancer.
