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Farhan Akhtar to Rajkummar Rao: Bollywood celebs attend Apple's Senior VP Eddy Cue's party

  • Bollywood celebrities never fail to give us style goals. Recently, stars graced the party of Apple's Senior VP Eddy Cue and it is quite evident from the pictures that they had barrels of fun. Madhuri Dixit, Farhan Akhtar and many other B-town celebs were spotted at the event.

  • Actress Madhuri Dixit was looking drop dead gorgeous in black attire. She was accompanied by her husband Sriram Nene. Both of them were all smiles as they posed for camera.

  • Rajkummar Rao, who is riding high on success after the release of his film Newton, was looking handsome at the party. He was all smiles as he posed for the camera. He will next be seen in Shaadi Me Jaroor Aana.

  • Ayushmann Khurrana, who is basking in the glory of his last release, Shubh Mangal Saavdhan looked stylish at the event.

  • Aditya Roy Kapur was looking dashing in casual attire. He was last seen sharing the screen space with actress Shraddha Kapoor in OK Jaanu. The film couldn’t generate heat at the box office.

  • Farhan Akhtar opted grey coat and teamed it up with grey pants. The actor was last seen in Lucknow Central.
