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Celeb spotting: Ranveer Singh, Aamir Khan clicked in casual avatars

  • Image Source : Yogen Shah

    Bollywood stars Aamir Khan and Ranveer Singh get clicked in the city by paparazzi.

  • Ranveer Singh always goes out of the box when it comes to his style.

  • He chose a casual black shirt with white stripes and paired it with checked pant.

  • Adding little fun to the outfit, the Gully Boy actor went for oversized rectangular aviators and green sneakers.

  • Ranveer Singh's upcoming film is 83. He is playing the role of former Indian cricketer, Kapil Dev.

  • The perfectionist of B-town, went for a very casual look. 

  •  He wore a plain t-shirt with jogger paired with kolhapuri chappal.

  • Aamir also posed with fans for some pictures.

  • His upcoming film Lal Singh Chaddha is a remake of the 1994 film Forrest Gump.
