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Aishwarya Rai and Shah Rukh Khan look cute as they bond at Vogue Women Of The Year 2017

  • The glittering ceremony of Vogue Women Of The Year 2017 was a star studded affair. From Shah Rukh Khan to Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, many celebrities donned stylish attires and graced the award night. But, one of the highlights of the ceremony was reunion of Aishwarya and Shah Rukh.

  • Both the stars looked cute they posed for shutterbugs. Aish and SRK have worked together in films like Josh, Mohabbatein and Devdas. This picture is a delight to watch.

  • Aishwarya and Shah Rukh were seen in some deep conversations. The actor was looking dapper in black suit while Aish looked drop dead gorgeous in all black attire.

  • Arjun Kapoor was seen interacting with Anil Kapoor at the event. Both the stars shared the screen space in Anees Bazmee’s Mubarakan.

  • Karan and Arjun share a great camaraderie and this picture is its proof. Both the stars are looking very comfortable in each other’s company giving an adorable moment to movie buffs.
