News World World's biggest mystery explained: The Bermuda triangle

World's biggest mystery explained: The Bermuda triangle

Nov 11, 2012: The Bermuda Triangle is located off the South-Eastern coast of the United States and in the Atlantic Ocean. The three corners of the triangle are: Miami (Florida); San Juan (Puerto Rico); and

1.The Gulf Stream

In explaining why no wreckage of various ships and downed planes has ever been found in the fairly shallow waters, the Gulf Stream is typically blamed.

It is, in effect, a saltwater river on the surface of the ocean, with a warmer temperature than the surrounding seawater, causing it to flow northward along the east coast of the U. S.

The current itself is in most place along the coast about 60 miles wide, and 2500 to 4000 feet deep, flowing on the surface at about 8 feet per second, with more than sufficient strength to drive enough hydroelectric plants to power all of North America. 

When ships sink or planes impact the water, they float momentarily, up to several hours depending on the severity of the vessel's damage. During that time, the wreckage is carried northward by the Stream until sinks below the Stream, and finally to the bottom of the sea.

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