News World Pak Corps Commanders Get Their Act Together

Pak Corps Commanders Get Their Act Together

Rawalpindi, May 4: A crucial meeting of Pakistani Corps Commanders was held at the GHQ here on Wednesday in which the Director General of ISI Ahmed Shuja Pasha gave the generals a detailed brief about

pak corps commanders get their act together pak corps commanders get their act together

Rawalpindi, May 4: A crucial meeting of Pakistani Corps Commanders was held at the GHQ here on Wednesday in which the Director General of ISI Ahmed Shuja Pasha gave the generals a detailed brief about the US Special Forces operation to kill Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad.

Addressing the meeting, Army Chief General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani  said,  Pakistan's role in the war against terror should not be doubted.

A defence press release did not elaborate. It however said, a "new strategy" on Pakistan's security will be devied in the next few days by the Corps Commanders.

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