News World Motorists Scramble To Collect Dollars As Security Van Drops Cash

Motorists Scramble To Collect Dollars As Security Van Drops Cash

A desperate scramble for cash was sparked at a busy road junction  in Columbus, Ohio, US on Wednesday when a money bag fell from a security van and burst open, reports The Daily Mail, London.Around

motorists scramble to collect dollars as security van drops cash motorists scramble to collect dollars as security van drops cash
A desperate scramble for cash was sparked at a busy road junction  in Columbus, Ohio, US on Wednesday when a money bag fell from a security van and burst open, reports The Daily Mail, London.

Around 20 motorists stopped to pick up fistfuls of dollars after the banknotes were sprayed into the air at an intersection in Columbus, Ohio.

More than $100,000  is missing. But police were able to recover an equal amount and members of the public handed in $12,000.

Officers are now appealing for the remaining money to be given back to security firm, Garda Cash Logistics.

An emergency caller on Wednesday said there were ‘$20 bills everywhere, money floating all over the place and it's causing a major scene.

‘A bunch of people are blocking traffic because it looks like a truck has lost some money.'

The bag fell into the street and burst when ran over by another vehicle about a block from a Garda facility.

Police Sergeant Dan Kelso said the cash was in various smaller bags and belongs to several businesses and banks.

‘It's not free money,' he said. ‘It's different than walking down the street and finding a $5 bill laying there.

‘This is clearly marked, identifiable money that belongs to somebody else laying in the middle of a busy intersection with bank bags lying all over the place.

‘It's no different than if you found somebody's wallet and it was full of money, and clearly you can open the wallet and see it belongs to somebody. That's not your money.'

Police were reviewing mobile phone videos and surveillance video from a nearby stores, including a petrol station, in an effort to find out who has the missing cash.

Sergeant Kelso said no arrests had been made, but that people who fail to return cash could face charges such as grand theft.

‘The people that have come in and been honest and turned in money, those people haven't been charged,' he said.

‘That's what people need to do because if we have to find them, which is what we're doing, we are going to charge them.'

Sergeant Kelso did not know where the vehicle was headed at the time, and it was unclear how the bag fell out of the truck. ‘That's the $100,000 question,' he added.

Joe Gavaghan, a spokesman for the company based in Montreal, Canada, said the firm was cooperating with police, but declined further comment.

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