News World Meet the father of modern body building, Eugen Sandow

Meet the father of modern body building, Eugen Sandow

New Delhi: Eugen Sandow is the world's first hunk.He rose to fame in the late 1890s as a weightlifter and bodybuilder.He was born 1867 in Prussia (Germany) by the name Friedrich Muller. Today he has

Sandow was the muscle superstar of his age; he developed some of the first bodybuilding equipment as well as also being responsible for the first ever bodybuilding magazine. Originally called Physical Culture but later the name changed to Sandow's Magazine of Physical Culture.

Early accounts of his performances suggest that he was capable of stirring up an erotic frenzy akin to the impact of the Beatles on their female audiences three quarters of a century later. When Sandow appeared on stage, noted an 1890 newspaper account, ‘semi delirium seized the delighted dames and damsels.

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