News World India Will Have "Full Access" To Information On Headley: US

India Will Have "Full Access" To Information On Headley: US

India will have "full access" to all the information on terror suspect David Headley, who pleaded guilty before a Chicago court to all 12 terror charges including the 26/11 Mumbai attacks, US Assistance Secretary of

india will have full access to information on headley us india will have full access to information on headley us

India will have "full access" to all the information on terror suspect David Headley, who pleaded guilty before a Chicago court to all 12 terror charges including the 26/11 Mumbai attacks, US Assistance Secretary of State for South Asia Robert Blake said in New Delhi on Friday .  

However, he said he was not in a position to answer if an Indian team could go to the US to question Headley.  "... But I think you will have full access to all the information and whether or not an Indian team itself can go there, I cannot answer that question because I was not in the US during that period but I encourage you to be in touch with our justice department," Blake said.  Blake, who is on a visit to Afghanistan and India, said Headley's confession had showed how the threat of Lashkar-e-Taiba had "grown significantly" and asked Pakistan to work more on that front. 

He said Pakistan has made "important progress on the issue of terror but there is still work to be done."  "....We still think that there needs to be progress on LeT in particular. The Headley case in our view illustrates the increasing global scope and ambition of LeT and therefore, the need for all of our countries to take the LeT threat seriously and cooperate with each other." PTI

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