News World PoK residents protest against atrocities by Pakistan Army, ISI

PoK residents protest against atrocities by Pakistan Army, ISI

An angry mob was seen on the streets of Kotli in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) protesting against the Pakistan Army and the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) for conducting extra-judicial killings, fake encounters and brutalities on pro-Azadi leade

An angry mob was seen on the streets of Kotli in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) An angry mob was seen on the streets of Kotli in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK)

An angry mob was seen on the streets of Kotli in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) protesting against the Pakistan Army and the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) for conducting extra-judicial killings, fake encounters and brutalities on pro-Azadi leaders, who refuse to agree with the state of Pakistan.

The Kotli residents, who took to roads to demonstrate their anger, raised slogans of "Butcher of Kashmiris- Pakistan Army", "Dogs are more loyal than ISI".

The demand put forth by the protestors was that of an independent investigation into the murder of Kashmiri nationalist leader Arif Shahid, who was the chairman of the All Parties National Alliance (APNA), and also headed the Jammu Kashmir National Liberation Conference (JKNLC).

The 62-year-old, who fought bravely against Pakistan's oppression in PoK, was shot dead outside his house in Rawalpindi in 2013. There hasn’t been any sort of closure on murder of the leader, although ISI is believed to behind the act.

The All Party National Alliance based in Muzaffarabad has put the killing toll of political activists by the ISI at over one hundred.

This has led to growing of resentment among the residents of PoK.

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