News India VHP warns of more church attacks, says conspiracy behind nun's rape

VHP warns of more church attacks, says conspiracy behind nun's rape

New Delhi: Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) yesterday defended attacks on church in Haryana's Hisar and warned that such attacks would happen again if conversion does not stop.The comment was made by VHP joint general secretary

vhp warns of more church attacks says conspiracy behind nun s rape vhp warns of more church attacks says conspiracy behind nun s rape

New Delhi: Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) yesterday defended attacks on church in Haryana's Hisar and warned that such attacks would happen again if conversion does not stop.

The comment was made by VHP joint general secretary Surendra Jain. Reacting to the Hisar case, he said, “This is a spontaneous reaction of the local people. There are no Christians living in the village or around it where the church has been attacked. So why was a church being built there? Will the Christians allow us to make a Hanuman temple in the Vatican? Let them allow that, and we will ask them to choose any place in India for a church. We will fund it."

He alleged that the church in the village was being built for the purpose of converting people to Christianity. “Local people had warned against it. But when it went unheeded, they took whatever action they deemed fit," he said.

Also Read: Church vandalised in Haryana, cross replaced with Hanuman idol

Jain warned that such attacks would happen again if conversions do not stop. He claimed that the 1857 war of independence was fought to defend religion. "This is a country where the 1857 war was fought for the cause of religion. People will react to aggressive conversion, just as they reacted to the killing of Swami Laxmananda in Odisha in 2008," Jain added.

Also Read: 72-year-old nun allegedly gang-raped in West Bengal, 5 detained by police

While commenting on the gang-rape of a nun in Nadia district of West Bengal, Jain said its Christian culture to exploit nuns and it is a church conspiracy. Jain claimed that Vatican received 5,000 complaints of sexual exploitation in five years and it prompted Pope to appeal for legalization of gay sex. He denied involvement of VHP in both Hisar and Nadia attacks.

VHP office bearer also supported Subramanian Swamy's statement that “God does not live in mosques but in temples.

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