News India Top 10 bizarre news stories from India

Top 10 bizarre news stories from India

New Delhi: The media brings forth stories of incidents as they happen to the masses. Being a watchdog of democracy, it is the duty of media to unfold stories of the nation. These stories are

3. Mayapuri radiation leak

In India, there are no such laws implemented related to waste recycling.

Negligence on the part of industrial waste which is hazardous is observed.

Mayapuri  in Delhi is the biggest market of metal recycling in India.

In February  2010, while dismantling a research irradiator owned by Delhi University, workers were exposed to heavy doses of radiation.

This device had 11 pieces of cobalt-60 (a highly radioactive substance).

One of the workers unaware of the hazardous nature of this substance carried the smallest of the fragment in wallet.

He and six others later developed severe radiation burns and one of them died due to radiation poisoning.

Delhi University was clearly to be blamed here.

Instead of handling over the ageing equipment to concerned authorities, it was just auctioned to a scrap metal dealer.

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