News India Start your day with Surya Namaskar to remain fit

Start your day with Surya Namaskar to remain fit

New Delhi, Oct 19: Suryanamaskar is a combination of 12 different postures, followed in a particular sequence with a specific breathing pattern. It helps an individual to vitalize and unblock the whole system. It reduces

start your day with surya namaskar to remain fit start your day with surya namaskar to remain fit
New Delhi, Oct 19: Suryanamaskar is a combination of 12 different postures, followed in a particular sequence with a specific breathing pattern.

It helps an individual to vitalize and unblock the whole system. It reduces fat from almost all parts of the body, as it stretches each and every muscle and tones it.

You can keep a small carpet or piece of cloth to stand on. But it should be clean & kept safely after the entire activity is over.

There are 12 names of lord Sun that need to be chanted during the entire exercise. One name/prayer before commencement of each round. Each round consists of 12 postures/positions and there are 12 rounds.

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