News India Hafiz Saeed 'challenges' Indian govt to prove he was near LoC

Hafiz Saeed 'challenges' Indian govt to prove he was near LoC

New Delhi, Jan 11:  LeT founder and 2008 Mumbai attack mastermind Hafiz Muhammad Saeed has “challenged” the Indian government to prove that he was present near the Line of Control a few days ago.A day

Shinde had said that information about the movement of Saeed near the LoC was received by intelligence agencies and the government was trying to get details of his visit.

“(There) has been information that Saeed entered PoK (Pakistan-occupied Kashmir) and talked to some people,” Shinde said at a press conference here Thursday.

The Lashkar-e-Taiba founder termed it a “blatant lie” that he had visited Pakistan-administered Kashmir and said he was prepared to “accept every Indian allegation if they prove my alleged visit at the #LOC”.

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