News India Heart-rending story of a Pakistani Hindu whose wife was kidnapped and daughter raped!

Heart-rending story of a Pakistani Hindu whose wife was kidnapped and daughter raped!

Discrimination against Hindus living in Pakistan has been increasing constantly over a period of time. They have been persecuted with tacit support of law enforcing agencies.In 2014, from January to June, a series of attacks

I will never go to Pakistan

“Next day while I was sitting in my balcony, analyzing my life, how I failed my wife and now my kid I saw her coming, with torn clothes about her, I knew then what had happened to her. They raped her for 5 days, made her do unusual things I cannot explain.

I decided then to leave Pakistan, applied for visa to India, but it was denied, possibly because of the tension on Pakistan-India border due to some soldier beheading case.

We went to Saudi Arabia in March and then to India just last month (October).  My daughter never regained her usual self and has tried committing suicide twice. If anything, pray for her well being.  

I hope I never have to go back to Pakistan ever.”

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