News India 4,000 Maharashtra doctors go on strike after Mumbai cop beats up doctor

4,000 Maharashtra doctors go on strike after Mumbai cop beats up doctor

Mumbai: Around 4,000 doctors across Maharashtra  went on an indefinite strike from Thursday in protest against the alleged assault on a resident doctor Prashant Patil in Solapur's Civil hospital by three policemen. The strike is

4 000 maharashtra doctors go on strike after mumbai cop beats up doctor 4 000 maharashtra doctors go on strike after mumbai cop beats up doctor
Mumbai: Around 4,000 doctors across Maharashtra  went on an indefinite strike from Thursday in protest against the alleged assault on a resident doctor Prashant Patil in Solapur's Civil hospital by three policemen.

The strike is affecting the medical services in all public hospitals across the state.

Prashant Patil is doing his first year post-graduation from Dr. Vaishampayan Memorial Government Medical College in Solapur.

The incident happened on Tuesday morning when Prashant Patil was accompanying a head-injury patient to the CT scan department at the hospital at around 2.30 am at the same time three cops came to him and asked him to immediately attend to a pregnant woman whom they had come across on their patrols. Dr Patil declined, saying he was already attending to a seriously injured patient.

However, he telephoned the gynaecology department on the hospital intercom, but nobody answered. A heated argument ensued between the cops and Dr Patil, who tried to tell them he was a surgeon and could not help with child delivery. The policemen then beat up the doctor.

The whole incident has been captured in a CCTV camera of the hospital.

The footage clearly shows the cop grabbing Patil by the neck and dragging him through the hospital corridor.

Doctors here are demanding the arrest of all three policemen.

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