News India Undressed Monika to film her nude, blackmail her, accused Rajkumar confesses to crime

Undressed Monika to film her nude, blackmail her, accused Rajkumar confesses to crime

Rajkumar Singh, the alleged murderer of celebrity perfumer Monika Khurde who was arrested from Bengaluru on Sunday, has confessed to the crime and made some sensational revelations during the police interrogation.

Monika Khurde murder case Renowned perfumer Monika Khurde who was found dead at her Goa residence

Rajkumar Singh, the alleged murderer of celebrity perfumer Monika Khurde who was arrested from Bengaluru on Sunday, has confessed to the crime and made some sensational revelations during the police interrogation. 

According to a Times of India report, Singh said that he undressed Monika after smothering her to film her in the nude and later blackmail her into silence. 

Rajkumar (21), hails from Bathinda, Punjab. He was a former watchman at Sapana Raj Valley in Sangolda, where Monika’s body was found naked with her hands and legs tied. 

During interrogation, Rajkumar said that after smothering her, he thought she was unconscious. 

“We still don't know whether Singh had actually filmed Ghurde,” a senior police official was quoted by Times of India as saying. 

He told interrogators that after smothering her, he went into the kitchen, boiled two eggs and ate them, while waiting for Monika to wake up. But, after he realised that she was dead, he fled from the spot. 

Rajkumar, who was a security guard of the society till August, was familiar with the layout. It is suspected that he entered the compound by jumping over the rear fence. 

Meanwhile, Goa police said that they are still interrogating Rajkumar to ensure if he had assaulted her sexually. 

Rajkumar was nabbed by the police on Sunday after they tracked him through CCTV footage from an ATM on Porvorim, where he was trying to withdraw money from Monika’s ATM card. 

After killing Monika, Rajkumar travelled to Mengaluru from Goa by train, stayed there for a day, and then boarded a bus to Bengaluru. 

During the interrogation, Rajkumar admitted that he had entered Monika’s flat with the intention of robbing her. First, he flashed a knife and threatened to remain silent. He later tied her hands and feet, took her ATM card and forced her to tell him the PIN number. 

On the other hand, the post-mortem report revealed that Monika died due to smothering and there were injury marks on her private parts. A serological examination will soon be conducted at Central Forensic Science Laboratory (CFSL), Hyderabad

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