News India Jammu & Kashmir: Omar Abdullah rules out alliance with BJP

Jammu & Kashmir: Omar Abdullah rules out alliance with BJP

Jammu and Kashmir's urban body elections are to be held in October after a gap of 13 years and the Panchayat elections are to be held after a gap of 7 years, in the month of November and December.

Jammu & Kashmir: Omar Abdullah rules out any alliance with BJP  Jammu & Kashmir: Omar Abdullah rules out any alliance with BJP 

National Conference (NC) vice president Omar Abdullah Monday ruled out any alliance with the BJP for the formation of government in Jammu and Kashmir, saying such reports were "fake news" and "some psy-ops plan" designed to "unsettle" his party cadre.

Abdullah, in a Twitter post, said that no alliance with the BJP is happening. "I understand some old news videos from 2014 are doing the rounds trying to suggest that NC is going to support a BJP lead govt in J&K. Let me make it very clear - this is not happening. This will not happen. This is some psy-ops plan designed to unsettle the @JKNC_ cadre (sic)," Omar wrote on Twitter.

The former chief minister said while he does not bother about such reports, the old videos are being used to unsettle and scare the workers of the NC.

"Ordinarily I wouldn't bother with such stuff but it seems the videos are being used to unsettle/scare some of my grassroot level workers & so I'd rather nip this mischievous piece of fake news of @JKNC_ supporting a BJP CM in the bud right here & now," he said.

Earlier, in this case, Farooq Abdullah said "We will not only boycott panchayat elections but also Lok Sabha and Assembly elections if the Centre doesn't clear its stand on Article 35A and Article 370." 

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