News India Vande Mataram India TV Conclave 2019: As it Happened

Vande Mataram India TV Conclave 2019: As it Happened

Diplomacy or strike, what will end terrorism? Watch India TV conclave full day today.

Union minister Ravi Shankar Prasad at India Tv Conclave Image Source : INDIA TVUnion minister Ravi Shankar Prasad at India Tv Conclave

India's decisive action against Jaish-e-Mohammed terror camp in Balakot after Pulwama terror attack has been applauded across the globe. But is it enough? Is IAF strike on Pakistan-based Jaish terror camp enough to wipe out JeM? Is Pakistan capable of understanding the language of peace and diplomatic channels? All of these questions were answered by our special guests at India TV conclave on terrorism. The conclave was held throughout the day today and was broadcast live on India TV. catch key lights below: 



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Live updates : Vande Mataram 2019 Highlights

  • 8:53 PM (IST)

    I admire her fortitude. All of will stand by her, says Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman to Nitika Kaul

  • 8:52 PM (IST)

    "Be a very sensible and proud citizen, Jai Hind", says Nitika Kaul, wife of Major Dhoundiyal

  • 8:50 PM (IST)

    Now the responsibility also lies on us. Its not just their duty to love their nation, its equally ours to do as much for the nation, says Nitika Kaul

  • 8:49 PM (IST)

    I know the entire nation is proud of my husband. We are very proud for every soldier who is serving, and those who have sacrificed their lives for the nation, says Nitika Kaul

  • 8:47 PM (IST)

    India TV Editor-in-Chief Rajat Sharma presents a cheque of Rs 1 lakh to Major Dhoundiyal's wife Nikita Kaul

  • 8:45 PM (IST)

    Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman felicitates Nikita Kaul, wife of Major Vibhuti Shankar Dhoundiyal. He died fighting terrorists in Pulwama in Jammu and Kashmir.

  • 7:58 PM (IST)

    We have progressed a lot in the past 70 years, but there are still things that need to be worked upon. It is very important to understand the problem, which is immaturity and diversity: Sonu Nigam

  • 7:58 PM (IST)

    I am a very hopeful person and as a country, we would never want a neighbouring country to keep attacking us: Sonu Nigam

  • 7:58 PM (IST)

    There is disagreement among the people of India, we do aim at one direction: Sonu Nigam

  • 7:37 PM (IST)

    Watch full video of India Tv Conclave session with Sudhanshu Trivedi and Manish Tewari


  • 7:36 PM (IST)

  • 7:25 PM (IST)

    Shabnam ji you say you are a confused India because you lost your father to terrorism, my brother was killed in a landmine blast during India Pakistan 1965 war, but I still went to join Indian Army and fight the same forces. My brother's death did not confuse me, it gave me clarity: GD Bakshi

  • 7:22 PM (IST)

    Kashmiris will not stand with India unless you learn to respect us: Shabnam Lone

  • 7:15 PM (IST)

    When separatists said that they will divide Punjab from India to make Khalistan, we did not fight from Delhi and Chandigarh, we went to the fought at the front and brought back peace: MS Bitta

  • 7:14 PM (IST)

    I am pained for Shabnam Lone's father, but I am also a victim of terrorism. And yet, my first allegiance lies with Mother India: MS Bitta

  • 7:11 PM (IST)

    Mushtaq Natram was released by India and he killed my father. I demand that India brings him in front of me and bring him to justice: Shabnam Lone

  • 7:09 PM (IST)

    I believe the peace in Kashmir will usher after a war with Pakistan. PM Modi will have to call his defence chiefs and declare war against Pakistan: Shabnam Lone

  • 7:08 PM (IST)

    I always say talks is the right way, but the condition of bloodshed in Kashmir pains everyone. But a Pulwama happens every day in Kashmir, which goes unreported: Shabnam Lone

  • 7:06 PM (IST)

    What did they do the next day? They sent a contingent of 24 planes. 1971 war started with 32 planes: GD Bakshi

  • 7:05 PM (IST)

    We have a habit of skirting major decision: Recently we did a wonderful strike at Pakistan, but later said it is a non-military strike at terror camp: GD Bakshi

  • 7:04 PM (IST)

    It is madness to do the same things again and again and expect a different result. We have been trying to talk with Pakistan to bring peace but in vain: GD Bakshi

  • 7:03 PM (IST)

    India has been fighting against terrorism for past 70 years, in vain: GD Bakshi

  • 6:54 PM (IST)

    Delhi's liberals think they are liberals others are conservatives, we are intelligent others are fools, we are internationalist others are nationalists. Marx must have never thought that instead of government withering away as he predicted Leftists will wither away: Union minister

  • 6:52 PM (IST)

    I know Congress party also has patriotic people, but if their leader will support 'tukde-tukde' gang then the party will come under fire: Ravi Shankar Prasad

  • 6:45 PM (IST)

    PM Modi has been elected by PM. He is not on the post by managing seats. People want to hear from him about what transpired during the strikes: Ravi Shankar Prasad

  • 6:43 PM (IST)

    Why were the armed forces not given green signal to act after 26/11. Our defence forces had equal capabilities even then: Union minister

  • 6:42 PM (IST)

    No world power has asked India to produce proof. Union minister. Only Congress has asked: Prasad

  • 6:41 PM (IST)

    Please criticise Modi, BJP, Ravi Shankar Prasad, but please do not do anything which weakens our system and unity: Prasad

  • 6:40 PM (IST)

    I had gone to New York soon after 9/11. There was no coverage of blood, casualties, questions being raised at the government. Why I asked why then they said we do not want to empower terrorists by showing the impact of their acts: Union minister

  • 6:39 PM (IST)

    Should we not worry about the human rights of the families of victims of terrorism, families of those soldiers who lay their lives fighting terrorism? asks Ravi Shankar Prasad

  • 6:38 PM (IST)

    Congress continues to present a divided front before India's enemies by making unacceptable remarks towards the leader of the government: Union minister Ravi Shankar Prasad

  • 6:37 PM (IST)

    Watch full video of discussion by Air Marshal PS Ahluwalia, Maj Gen Bishamber Dayal and Lt Gen Vinod Bhatia

  • 6:23 PM (IST)

    Watch full video of India TV Conclave session with Gen VK Singh 

  • 6:21 PM (IST)

    Congress has released several terrorists because relatives of their MPs were kidnapped by terrorists, but they forget that and question Vajpayee government's decision to release Masood Azhar for the safety of 160 Indians onboard the plane: Sambit Patra, BJP

  • 6:18 PM (IST)

    Reopening Kartarpur Corridor talks sends a message that everything is fine between India and Pakistan. Joining hands with Pakistan right now is the biggest act of treason: Pawan Khera, Congress

  • 6:17 PM (IST)

    Congress first claimed that they opened Kartarpur Corridor, now when we are taking the work ahead they have a problem with it: Sambit Patra, BJP 

  • 6:14 PM (IST)

  • 6:13 PM (IST)

    You accuse us of making multiple statements on armed forces' valour, but who has stopped Congress to propagate armed force's great deeds during their rallies. Why must they speak against them: Sambit Patra, BJP

  • 6:07 PM (IST)

    First, apologise for abusing Manmohan Singh and Jawaharlal Nehru: Pawan Khera, Congress

  • 6:06 PM (IST)

    Sambit Patra asks Pawan Khera to apologise for calling Modi Masood Azhar as the present audience rises in uproar. Congress leader says Modi keeps hiding behind the terrorists, next PM will not do that.

  • 6:03 PM (IST)

  • 5:59 PM (IST)

    You claim to have 56-inch chest, but whenever we ask questions on employment, trade, demonetisation, GST, they call us anti-national: Pawan Khera, Congress

  • 5:58 PM (IST)

    While BJP spokesperson defend government fluently, Congress spokespersons are left speechless because their leaders have made statements which are defenceless: Sambit Patra, BJP

  • 5:57 PM (IST)

    I agree that terrorist attack in Pulwama took place, but is it fair to call army officials names and claim that armed forces kill 20 civilians for each militant: Sambit Patra, BJP

  • 5:57 PM (IST)

    Earlier, during festival times people used to worry about going to crowded places. But now that fear has gone away among the general public: Sambit Patra, BJP

  • 5:55 PM (IST)

    War against terrorism is not an all or none formula. It is a multi-pronged attack: Sambit Patra, BJP

  • 5:54 PM (IST)

    Modi was elected by Indians and then waited for Nawaz Sharif to take the pledge to the office and then went to his birthday party without invitation: Pawan Khera, Congress

  • 5:53 PM (IST)

    Modi in Gujarat said that Gen Deepak Kapoor took money from Pakistan to defeat him: Pawan Khera, Congress

  • 5:52 PM (IST)

    Why did Gandhi family have dinner with Chinese envoy when India was facing Chinese threat at Doklam: Sambit Patra

  • 5:50 PM (IST)

    While during Kandahar, Atal Bihari Vajapayee ji sent his Union minister to drop Masood Azhar back to Afghanistan, along with Ajit Doval. Is there diplomacy limited to hugs and selfies: Pawan Khera, Congress

  • 5:49 PM (IST)

    During 26/11, Narendra Modi ji who was Gujarat CM at the time criticised Manmohan Singh government while the operation was underway. We successfully got Hafiz Saeed listed as a global terrorist within 10 days, why have they failed to get Masood Azhar listed? asks Pawan Khera, Congress


  • 5:47 PM (IST)

    If we will not call such people anti-national then what else can we call them: Sambit Patra

  • 5:47 PM (IST)

    We have killed several terrorists in Pakistan, but we have some people in India who have also been hurt in the attack: Sambit Patra

  • 5:46 PM (IST)

    Indian forces have been great, the only thing that was missing was a decisive government. Today, India has given birth to a strong leader who has the power to wipe out Pakistan: Sambit Patra 

  • 5:45 PM (IST)

    BJP says that they will bring 10 heads of Pakistani terrorists for every jawan killed, I say wonderful. Do it and we will applaud you, but show us what you have done instead of just making claims: Pawan Khera, Congress

  • 5:44 PM (IST)

    We never had a doubt in armed forces' valour. But we condemn BJP's policy of hiding behind army's valour and asking votes in the name of strikes while they have failed at all other parameters: Pawan Khera, Congress

  • 5:20 PM (IST)

  • 5:04 PM (IST)

    Congress leader Manish Tewari and BJP's Sudhanshu Trivedi are at loggerheads today at the India TV conclave. Manish Tewari thinks it was the BJP's failure that resulted in attacks like Pulwama. The Congress leader has also blamed the government for trying to use airstrike against Pakistan for political gains. Manish Tewari said that when air force has done a press conference that does not mean that air force and government are separate.

    But Sudhanshu Trivedi countered the charges by saying that the government response to Pakistan sponsored terrorism has been huge and Congress Party is raising such issues in desperation. Trivedi asked Manish Tewari - What was the compulsion that made you sympathised with people like Yakub Memon? 


  • 4:38 PM (IST)

  • 4:38 PM (IST)

    The common man in Kashmir is not in the favour of unrest in the state: MoS General (retd) VK Singh

    Gen VK Singh


  • 4:27 PM (IST)

    Indian Army never had a dearth of volunteers willing to join the forces. If we make it compulsory then several factors like its impact on children's education will be needed to be taken into consideration: Gen VK Singh

  • 4:26 PM (IST)

    We are the one to put pressure, China is the one to decide. As far as India is concerned, our relations with the world are a success: MoS Gen VK Singh

  • 4:26 PM (IST)

    If America can kill Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan's Abbottabad, India can also take such an action against Masood Azhar: MoS General (retd) VK Singh

  • 4:26 PM (IST)

    China sees itself in an important role and so it should also take hold of some relevant responsibilities: MoS General (retd) VK Singh

  • 4:26 PM (IST)

    Masood Azhar and China are not related to our preparedness against terrorism: MoS General (retd) VK Singh

  • 4:25 PM (IST)

    The fight against terrorism is an ongoing fight, you cannot achieve the desired results within a day: MoS General (retd) VK Singh

  • 4:16 PM (IST)

    We continue to see China the same way before and after the Pulwama terror attack. China sees itself as a world power and thus has to be held accountable to some global responsibilities: Gen VK Singh

  • 4:15 PM (IST)

    Watch full video of India Tv conclave session on nationalism with Ramdev and Maulana Madani here: 

  • 4:15 PM (IST)

    The recent action against terrorists shows India's war preparedness: General VK Singh

  • 4:03 PM (IST)

  • 4:02 PM (IST)

    Watch full video of Union Minister Piyush Goyal's session: 



  • 3:58 PM (IST)

    Pakistan claims to have tactical nuclear weapons, which no one else has. There impact is very limited. Pakistan's nuclear threat is just an empty threat: Air Marshal PS Ahluwalia

  • 3:56 PM (IST)

    We say terror and talk can't go together. Whenever we talk it follows with a terror attack: Lt Gen Vinod Bhatia

  • 3:55 PM (IST)

    We have to find ways to put pressure on Pakistan. We have to stop import from Pakistan: Lt Gen Vinod Bhatia

  • 3:53 PM (IST)

    Kashmiris are also part of India, we have to use a mix of strategies of hearts and minds to resolve the issue. We must strike at Pakistan while resolving the issue internally: Air Marshal PS Ahluwalia

  • 3:47 PM (IST)

    Pakistan is only buying time while it strengthens support to terrorists. We must put Pakistan on a timeline and if they don't react then mobilise forces: Maj Gen Bishamber Dayal

  • 3:44 PM (IST)

    We must explore options to put pressure on Pakistan's economy as it will put pressure on the military budget as well: Air Marshal PS Ahluwalia

  • 3:43 PM (IST)

    Pakistan is being run by army and ISI, the prime minister is a puppet. Imran Khan returned Abhinandan after pressure from China, Saudi Arabia as these countries stand to lose if the matters escalated: Air Marshal PS Ahluwalia

  • 3:41 PM (IST)

    One or two strikes will not end terrorism, but they are symbolic that we will not keep quiet. Now both the nations will try to not let this escalate: Air Marshal PS Ahluwalia

  • 3:41 PM (IST)

    India's airstrike on Pakistan-based terror amp was a major and delicate operation. We have increased the cost of terrorism for Pakistan. Now they know that if they ever cross the Laxman Rekha then they will have to pay: Lt Gen Vinod Bhatia

  • 3:35 PM (IST)

    We need to think if we have taken Kashmiris along with us, need to look internally too: Air Marshal (Retd) PS Ahluwalia


  • 3:33 PM (IST)

    Pakistan will continue to trouble us through proxy war: Air Marshal PS Ahluwalia


  • 3:33 PM (IST)

    War happens with a lot of preparation. There's no indication that we are heading towards a war with Pakistan :Air Marshal PS Ahluwalia


  • 3:30 PM (IST)

    Threat will always continue, and we will always have to be on alert: Lt Gen Vinod Bhatia

  • 3:04 PM (IST)

    People keep chanting Vande Mataram but deck their houses with Chinese products. It is time common people do their due for the country: Ramdev

  • 3:03 PM (IST)

    The biggest state sponsor of Pak terror is China. India must unite in rejecting Chinese products. If we reject their products, soon China will support its support from Pakistan and kneel before us: Ramdev

  • 3:02 PM (IST)

    We have to isolate those who support Pakistani terrorists within India and act against them: Maulana Madani

  • 3:01 PM (IST)

    Pakistan is forming state-sponsored terror groups to attack India: Maulana Madani

  • 3:01 PM (IST)

    Pakistan was formed by those who did not believe or live the Islamic life. Those who believed in Islam chose to stay back in India: Maulana Madani 

  • 3:00 PM (IST)

    Masood Azhar and Hafiz Saeed will have to be excommunicated by the Muslim community. The Islamic community must cut their religious and economic  veins: Ramdev

  • 2:55 PM (IST)

    Removing Article 370 is in favour of Kashmiris, but government must act after forimg right atmosphere and consensus in Kashmir: Maulana Madani

  • 2:45 PM (IST)

    There is no difference between Hindu and Muslims. We have to find the co-relations between the two religions so that no one can divide the two communities. People of both religions want development and food. People are divided on the basis of religion to garner votes. Communal politics has to stop: Ramdev

    Ramdev and Maulana Madani

  • 2:42 PM (IST)

    The government must form a consensus on Article 370 and Article 35A before acting: Malauan Madani

  • 2:41 PM (IST)

    BJP ran a government with PDP for a long time. They were able to instill a feeling in Kashmiri youth that they will benefit by staying within India, but recently the government took actions and pushed them back into the terror camps: Maulana Madani

  • 2:40 PM (IST)

    I agree with Swamiji on this issue. There is a small section of people whose demands we cannot fulfill. The Kashmir is not a land dispute, it is a problem of morals and principles and should handle in the same way: Maulana Madani

  • 2:39 PM (IST)

    The problem of Kashmir issue is also linked in Article 35A and Article 370, the two provisions which enable the partiality on the basis of religion has to go away: Ramdev

  • 2:34 PM (IST)

    Political parties should not try to further their political agenda on the back of bravery displayed by armed forces: Maulana Madani

  • 2:32 PM (IST)

    Watch full video fo Arun Jaitley's session

  • 2:32 PM (IST)

    Healthy political debates should take place but some topics are off the table: Ramdev

  • 2:31 PM (IST)

    I have named people who question strikes on Pakistan - anti-national varanshannkar asur gang. It is in their DNA to doubt. Tomorrow someone will ask proof from their father and mother of parentage. The country runs on faith: Ramdev

  • 2:29 PM (IST)

    There are bound to be two-to-four idiots in a nation of 120 million people: Maulana Madani

  • 2:27 PM (IST)

    War is not a good thing, but if need be India will go to war. Because we cannot continue to be weak and reel under terrorism: Maulana Madani

  • 2:25 PM (IST)

    We are not calling for war, but if Pakistan resists India's action to take back what is rightfully ours then we have a strong Army: Ramdev

  • 2:24 PM (IST)

    India must act against terror camps in Pakistan and kill the Masood Azhar and Hafiz Saeed: Ramdev

  • 2:23 PM (IST)

    It is time India stops mentioning part of Kashmir as Pakistan-occupied Kashmir and take control of the territory: Ramdev

  • 2:23 PM (IST)

    We have to act against Anatankistan thriving within Pakistan. Terrorism cannot be wiped unless we attack its root: Ramdev

  • 2:21 PM (IST)

    Yoga Guru Bab Ramdev and Maulana Madani discuss nationalism and terrorism at India TV Conclave

  • 2:06 PM (IST)

    Returning Abhinandan within 24 hours was not result of Pakistan's kind heart. India created diplomatic pressure and the Geneva convention was in our favour. Pakistan should instead be slammed for supporting terrorist forces: Piyush Goyal

  • 2:04 PM (IST)

    Pakistan claims that India is non-responsive towards their peace talk requests. Sushma Swaraj gave the apt reply - terror and talk cannot go hand in hand: Piyush Goyal

  • 2:03 PM (IST)

    We have never laid an evil eye on any country. We would always want all countries to prosper. But what we have seen in recent years, Pakistan's political system and armed forces suffer a major imbalance. But India has no role to play in their stability: Piyush Goyal

  • 1:53 PM (IST)

    Congress is called anti-national because questions raised by them demoralise defence forces: Piyush Goyal

  • 1:52 PM (IST)

    I found the statement by a former PM (Mad rush of mutual self-destruction by the two nations). What kind of moral equivalence are you indicating between India which is the sufferer, victim of terror whereas Pakistan is the preparator of terror: Piyush Goyal

  • 1:48 PM (IST)

    If the Opposition peoples that paying tribute to our martyrs and bravehearts is a political action then it is a shame. People will question Congress if tehy do not do the same: Piyush Goyal

  • 1:47 PM (IST)

    We never politicised Pulwama terror attack. We invited all parties to present a united stand against terrorism, but unfortunately, today some parties are raising doubts on valour of Indian defence forces: Piyush Goyal

  • 1:45 PM (IST)

    Rahul Gandhi calls PM Modi 'darpok' but can they give a better example of someone enabling the defence forces? Congress was in power in 2008, why did they not allow defence forces to take action them. It enrages Indian people when they see India keeping quiet after a terrorist attack: Piyush Goyal 

  • 1:42 PM (IST)

    To deal with terrorism, India needs a strong decisive PM, which India can get only in PM Modi. People feel Modi hai toh Mumkin hai, people know that Modi hai toh people are safe, the country is in safe hands: Piyush Goyal

    Piyush Goyal at India TV Conclave

  • 1:41 PM (IST)

    Union minister Piyush Goyal pays homage to New Zealand mosque attack victims. 

  • 1:22 PM (IST)

    Indian defence forces showed valour and precision in both surgical strike and IAF strike and came back after striking targets with zero casualties: Arun Jaitley

  • 1:19 PM (IST)

    Country's strategic decisions cannot be made on the suggestions given by social media, The government will make the decision when the time and situation is right: Arun Jaitley on #BoycottChineseProducts

  • 1:13 PM (IST)

    Bangladesh is a prime example on how a country can develop by keeping peace with neighbours: Union minister

  • 1:12 PM (IST)

    Compare this with Bangladesh, which was in such bad shape at the time of partition. Today the country is competing India is social parameters. Bangladesh is surrounded by India from three sides and sea from another. their PM Sheikh Hassina has made peace with India and focussed only on development instead of military expenditure: Arun Jaitley

  • 1:10 PM (IST)

    Pakistan is in a vulnerable condition. Their army think they can keep the system on hold, their democracy is crumbling, they keep begging IMF for funds because they have no money: Arun Jaitley

  • 1:08 PM (IST)

    International media has been accused of creating their own version of the truth. Even in the US, people tend to vote the party not advocated by the editorial writers who wrote against India's airstrike: Arun Jaitley

  • 1:02 PM (IST)

    I think, some people either need to learn more and if they don't do that then they must realise are unfit for public discourse: Arun Jaitely

  • 1:01 PM (IST)

    How can a PM aspirant question the covert operation behind Kandahar hijack negotiations? asks Arun Jaitley

  • 1:00 PM (IST)

    If you have aspirations to become nation's PM you should understand that defence actions are kept and multi-dimensional: Arun Jaitley

  • 12:56 PM (IST)

    At the time, Rajya Sabha member Dr Ambedkar said that he disagrees with Nehru's foreign policy. He said that Pandit Nehru had blocked India's entry into the UNSC because he is closely aligned with Communist bloc: Arun Jaitley

  • 12:54 PM (IST)

    But at the time, India made the wrong assessment that Hindi-Chini are bhai-bhai. We said that they are an ally nation and we allowed them to remain in UNSC: Arun Jaitley

  • 12:53 PM (IST)

    In 1955, the US proposed that China should be unseated from UNSC and India should be given the seat: Arun Jaitley

  • 12:50 PM (IST)

    India has unprecedented international support despite crossing the LoC twice. Pakistan's traditional allies India as chief guest. We have created a policy to alienate Pakistan, not India. Even China has not rejected India's demand of listing Masood Azhar as global terrorist, they have asked for more time: Arun Jaitley

  • 12:48 PM (IST)

    Terrorism has become unaffordable for our enemies: Arun Jaitley

  • 12:48 PM (IST)

    India will have to remain pro-active in its fight against terrorism. This government has successfully established that if you indulge in terrorism than you will have to pay a hefty cost: Arun Jaitley

  • 12:44 PM (IST)

    The presentation of valour by Army and our air force is not an issue to be politicised, it must be saluted by all: Union Minister

  • 12:42 PM (IST)

    The Opposition shot itself in the foot when they questioned the success of IAF strike as they were standing alone in this, not even one Indian supported them in this: Arun Jaitley

  • 12:40 PM (IST)

    When Indira Gandhi was leading India during the Bangladesh war, if anyone raised a finger at her Atal Bihari Vajpayee answered them. The entire nation had united against our enemies, but today the Opposition showed unity with armed forces for a couple of days and then proceeded to question them even after a formal press conference by Air Force: Arun Jaitley

  • 12:40 PM (IST)

    When Indira Gandhi was leading India during the Bangladesh war, if anyone raised a finger at her Atal Bihari Vajpayee answered them. The entire nation had united against our enemies, but today the Opposition showed unity with armed forces for a couple of days and then proceeded to question them even after a formal press conference by Air Force: Arun Jaitley

  • 12:36 PM (IST)

    The political determination exhibited during times of terror strikes, security doctrine are all topics of political debate and should be discussed in public domain: Arun Jaitley

  • 12:33 PM (IST)

    India and Pakistan were one nation before 1947, the difference is in last 70 years India continued to be a strong democracy whereas they went through a declining economy, crumbling democracy, four spells of martial law. The biggest difference is that our armed forces have always been kept at an arm's length from politics. This difference has to be preserved. The surgical strikes and IAF strike should never be politicised. But the political aspects of the strikes, like the determination of the government, can be discussed: Arun Jaitley

  • 12:31 PM (IST)

    If the government had kept quiet even after the intelligence input than it would have been dishonest towards the people of India. The airstrike should not be connected with Pulwama terror attack or elections. The action was taken on intelligence inputs about a future strike: Arun Jaitley

  • 12:29 PM (IST)

    Arun Jaitley: Let's assume if there were no elections and we got vital intelligence input that there is a terror camp in Pakistan and they are planning a strike on India. Either, as per the old policy, we could have kept quiet and waited for them to attack us before taking an action or we could act in a pre-emptive manner and strike the camp planning action against India.

  • 12:22 PM (IST)

    IAF strike on JeM terror camp proved India's resolve against terrorism, says Rajat Sharma

  • 12:20 PM (IST)

    India TV Conclave on the fight against terrorism begins with welcome remarks India TV Editor-in-chief Rajat Sharma

  • 12:00 PM (IST)

    Eminent guests like Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman and Finance Minister Arun Jaitley will answer some tough questions asked by India TV Editor-in-chief Rajat Sharma on behalf of the nation. 

  • 12:00 PM (IST)

    Other expected guests are Union ministers Piyush Goyal and Ravi Shankar Prasad, former Army officers Gen VK Singh, Gen GD Bakshi, Lt Gen Satish Dua, Air Marshal PS Ahluwalia, Lt Gen Vinod Bhatia along with Nikita Kaul -wife of martyr Major Vibhuti Dhoundiyal.

  • 12:00 PM (IST)

    Kiren Rijuju, Sudhanshu Trivedi, Manish Tewari, Ram Madhav, Shabnam Lone and MS Bitta are also expected to be part of the conclave. Ramdev Baba and Maulana Madani will participate in the discussion on nationalism and terrorism.

  • 11:56 AM (IST)

    India TV's special conclave on terrorism - Vande Mataram will have Finance Minister Arun Jaitley as its first guest. India TV Editor-in-chief Rajat Sharma will ask questions on behalf of the nation. If you have a question in my mind please share it with hashtag #VandemataramIndiaTV on Twitter. We will put it before the Union minister. 

  • 10:26 AM (IST)

  • 9:57 AM (IST)