News Lifestyle 6 must things that a bride should do on her wedding day (view pics)

6 must things that a bride should do on her wedding day (view pics)

A girl while reading this can remember all those memories she had since a child; dreams of her wedding day, what all would she wear, what all would she do!But often Indian weddings are just

Ensure your luggage is well packed

Women often remember to put in major stuff in their luggage but tend to forget small things that might come handy like, extra handkerchief, safety-pins, comfortable nightwear and footwear or even your specs or lens.

Recheck all these things once again before leaving finally for the parlour.


Fully-charge your phone

During the hustle-bustle of pre-wedding ceremonies and preparations, the bride herself forgets to keep a tab on her cell phone's battery. Ensure that your phone is fully charged right in the morning the first thing and in evening before you head out to the venue.

This way you and your family won't have to worry about each other.

Take a deep breath & calm down

Just relax, it's your day so don't forget to enjoy it too. Stress & excitement levels go on par during the entire day so take some time out even if it's just for 5 minutes, but sit in peace. This would also help your blood flow.

If you feel like de-stressing, then have a hot water bath with some rose water and take a nap for 2-3 hours in between and get up right before you head out to parlour.

Remember just relax!