News Lifestyle FIFA world cup 2014: Valentine's in Brazil comes early (see pics)

FIFA world cup 2014: Valentine's in Brazil comes early (see pics)

SAO PAULO: Will Brazilians choose love, or love of the game? With the World Cup opening on the same date Brazil traditionally celebrates its version of Valentine's Day, merchants are helping lovers and spouses figure

Retailers are selling it like the best of both worlds: Couples can celebrate their romance without anyone having to miss out on soccer's biggest event.
Wellington Castro, a 33-year-old information system technician, was buying chocolates Tuesday for his wife. Intimacy will be impossible when Brazil meets Croatia, he said, so the couple plans to go out for dinner a day before the opening match.
Thursday "is game day and only that," he said. "We prefer not to mix both. The day of the game is just a mess. We have the whole family over."