News Lifestyle Now having more sex can make you earn more money!

Now having more sex can make you earn more money!

London: To earn better at the workplace, what qualities do you think you must have? Well, for one, start having extra action between the sheets!According to a recent study, employees who make love two or

now having more sex can make you earn more money now having more sex can make you earn more money

London: To earn better at the workplace, what qualities do you think you must have? Well, for one, start having extra action between the sheets!

According to a recent study, employees who make love two or three times a week earn 4.5 percent more than their peers who are laggards in this department.


Researchers from the Anglia Ruskins University, a public university located in Cambridge, East of England, also found that workers with health problems who are sexually active earn 1.5 percent more than those with similar ailments who are not sexually active.