News Lifestyle Seven Yoga postures to improve your immune system.

Seven Yoga postures to improve your immune system.

New Delhi, May 30: A fully functional immune system is important for optimum health. There are many things that effect the immune system's efficiency.   We are surrounded by environmental pollutants, toxins, non nutrient dense diets

Here are Seven Yoga Postures which can hekp you to improve your immune system, Take a look :

1. Fish Pose(Matsyasana)

The Fish pose is one of the backbend poses. It opens up the upper body, heart and lungs. It stimulates thymus, which plays an important role in body's defense mechanism. It benefits your neck and spine while improving your posture.

Steps for Fish Pose:

1.  Begin by lying on the floor with both your knees bent, feet flat on the floor.

2. Bring your arms by your side, palms down.  Lift each hip to allow your thumb and first few fingers to fit under your hip, placing your hips back to the earth.

3.  Bend your elbows, keeping your hands under your hips, and press into the earth with your forearms, lifting your body from the floor.  Allow your pelvis to rock almost onto your sitting bones, accentuating the natural curve of the low back.

4. Send your heart upwards and backwards, creating a back bend in your thoracic spine, where your rib cage is.  Picture your spine getting longer and arching gently into a backwards curve.

5. Imagining your neck as an extension of your spine, reach out from the crown of your head, perhaps finding the floor with A) the back of the head or B) the crown of the head.  Your head is not supporting the weight of the body, but merely a balance point. The strong muscles of the back are supporting you in this pose.

6.  You may keep your legs A) knees bent, feet flat on the floor, B) legs extended on the floor, feet flexed, muscles engaged, C) cross your legs in siddhasana/easy sitting or find lotus pose. You should not feel any discomfort in your low back or neck.

7. Breathe slowly and stay for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

8.  To exit, draw your low belly in to activate your core, inhale and press into your forearms to gently lift your head from the earth. Tuck your chin softly. Exhale and lightly lie back on the mat.