News Lifestyle New York Fashion Week: Kenneth Cole asks What's real and what's show?

New York Fashion Week: Kenneth Cole asks What's real and what's show?

New York: Social media provocateur Kenneth Cole put actors Alan Cumming and Rachel Dratch on his runway and in a movie Monday that begged the question: "What's real and what's for show?"Known for his embrace

In many ways, he said, he feels he's his own customer. "I love kind of curating him and elevating him and now that we're a private company, it's easier to do that. It's just a wonderful time and a unique time, probably, in this company's history," he said. And he talked about the big impact of social media on the fashion industry.

"It's defined how we consume what we wear, how we define ourselves, how we introduce ourselves to the world in kind of interesting and compelling ways," Cole said. Generally, he said, social media has pushed the "real or show" question to the cultural forefront.

"Are we over-glamorizing ourselves, and if so to what end, and then one asks the question, does it matter? That's the bigger message right now.