News Lifestyle Learning world cuisines through culinary clubs

Learning world cuisines through culinary clubs

New Delhi: As the fragrance of masala-fried prawns wafts through the room, a discerning audience diligently takes quick notes of the instructions given by the chef to ensure the coating is crisp and not burnt.

Fortythree-year-old Minu Garg is an active member of a culinary club in the capital and her mission is to showcase her expertise on special occasions.

"We travel a lot and know how an Italian pasta would taste. Usually, many Italian joints in the city offer an Indian version of a pasta or a pizza. Learning from these experts bears a mark of authenticity and helps me create something close to the original," Garg said.

The clubs heavily depend on the word-of-mouth campaigns and social media platforms to popularise their fortnightly or monthly classes. Open to all, an individual has to shell out anything from Rs.1,500 to Rs.2,000 for a cooking demonstration, a recipe folder and lunch.