News Lifestyle Winter weight loss tip: Try out water and curd to cut out flab

Winter weight loss tip: Try out water and curd to cut out flab

Los Angeles: So the party time is on and it is likely for you to gain little extra weight. Just stick to simple fat-busting food to avoid that festive bulge.  With the festive season on,

winter weight loss tip try out water and curd to cut out flab winter weight loss tip try out water and curd to cut out flab
Los Angeles: So the party time is on and it is likely for you to gain little extra weight. Just stick to simple fat-busting food to avoid that festive bulge. 

With the festive season on, gaining weight is a certainty -- so keep away the extra bulge with simple and effective fat-busting food.

Nutritionist and author Fiona Kirk shares tips to help shed those pounds gained during festive season, reports