News Lifestyle 6 best bikini posing tips (view pics)

6 best bikini posing tips (view pics)

London: Swimwear can accentuate all your curves, but there are ways you can look slimmer and more confident, according to British-Iranian model Yasmin Le Bon, the new face of swimwear brand Speedo Sculpture 2014 collection.The

* Walking: A proud posture - When walking or standing adopting a strong posture is the key to radiating confidence. If you imagine you are trying to hold something between your shoulder blades, it will push your shoulders down and backwards slightly to give a naturally proud posture.

* Posing: Head held high - If you're posing for photos and not feeling the most confident, it can be tempting to look down and try to hide. Lifting the head away from the chest is the best way to achieve a long elegant neck and avoid creating a double chin.

* The Exit: Pause and prepare - Before getting out of the pool it's a good idea to take a moment to pause and prepare for your exit. You can sweep your hair to one side if you need to, check your swimsuit is in place and ensure you're feeling confident.