News Lifestyle 10 signs you are in a wrong relationship

10 signs you are in a wrong relationship

Yes, it happens! Accept this! The one most significant for you, the one whom you cherish too much, the one who “as per you”, completes your world might not be the best one for you!Your

4) You are more exhausted and depressed than positive and happy after meeting him

You are in love but do you have those feelings which you have heard so many times – sleepless nights, no hunger, world suddenly turning beautiful etc etc???? No??

Averse to these, do you rather feel exhausted and return with a pulled down face, every time you meet him. You feel “you” are not giving everything to the relationship. You feel “you” are wrong somewhere. (A good enough signal that you are not with the right person!). Something that should lift you in life is actually regressing you in gloom.