News Lifestyle Food Immunity Boost to Skin Health: 5 reasons to include one piece of boiled amla in your daily diet

Immunity Boost to Skin Health: 5 reasons to include one piece of boiled amla in your daily diet

Boiling amla softens its tartness, making it more palatable. You can simply boil it in water for a few minutes, then consume it directly or add it to smoothies, yoghurt, or even savoury dishes for a tangy twist.

boiled amla Image Source : GOOGLE5 reasons to include one piece of boiled amla in your daily diet

Amla, the revered Indian gooseberry, has long been celebrated for its myriad health-enhancing properties. While its raw form is well-known for its nutritional prowess, the benefits of incorporating boiled Amla into one's daily diet are often overlooked. Boiling Amla not only retains its nutritional value but also enhances its bioavailability, making it an excellent addition to your culinary repertoire. In this article, we delve into the compelling reasons why one piece of boiled Amla should find its place in your daily routine.

Rich source of Vitamin C: 

Amla is renowned for its exceptionally high Vitamin C content, and boiling the fruit doesn't diminish its nutritional value. In fact, boiling Amla can make its nutrients more bioavailable. A single piece of boiled amla can provide a significant portion of your daily recommended intake of Vitamin C, bolstering your immune system, promoting collagen production for healthy skin, and aiding in wound healing.

Potent antioxidant properties: 

Boiled amla retains its potent antioxidant properties, which are vital for combating oxidative stress and reducing the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. The antioxidants present in boiled amla help neutralise free radicals, thereby safeguarding your cells from damage and promoting overall well-being.

Regulates blood sugar levels: 

For individuals struggling with diabetes or those aiming to maintain healthy blood sugar levels, boiled amla can be a valuable addition to their diet. Research suggests that the polyphenols present in amla may help regulate blood glucose levels by improving insulin sensitivity and reducing insulin resistance. Incorporating boiled amla into your daily regimen may contribute to better glycemic control and lower the risk of diabetic complications.

Promotes hair and skin health: 

The benefits of boiled amla extend beyond internal health to external beauty. Its abundance of Vitamin C, along with other nutrients like antioxidants and essential fatty acids, nourishes the scalp, strengthens hair follicles, and promotes healthy hair growth. Additionally, boiled Amla can impart a natural glow to the skin, reduce pigmentation, and combat signs of ageing, leaving you with radiant and youthful-looking skin.

Supports digestive health: 

Amla is a natural digestive aid, and when consumed in its boiled form, it can have a soothing effect on the digestive system. Boiled amla is gentle on the stomach and can help alleviate common digestive issues such as acidity, indigestion, and constipation. Its high fibre content promotes regular bowel movements, ensuring optimal digestive health.

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