News Lifestyle Books & Culture Scientific Explanation: Why you shouldn't have rice on Ekadashi, 31st October 2017

Scientific Explanation: Why you shouldn't have rice on Ekadashi, 31st October 2017

There is a scientific reason behind avoiding rice on Ekadashi.

dev uthani ekadashi 2017 Say no to rice on Ekadashi

Hindus all across the country will observe fast on Dev Uthani Ekadashi, the most auspicious one among all 24 Ekadashis. It is believed that on this day, God Vishnu woke up after four months of deep slumber. People also perform wedding rituals of Tulsi on Ekadashi of Shukla Paksh of Kartik month This year, the Ekadashi tithi will begin from from 19:03 on 30th October and end on 18:55 on 31st October. The shubh muhurat of Parana which is falling on 1st November is between 6:37 am to 8:48 am.

Generally, rice is not consumed on Ekadashi. According to a mythological story, sweat fell down from Lord Brahma's head and took shape of a demon. When the demon asked the lord to give a place to reside, Brahma asked him to dwell in rice eaten by men on Ekadashi and get converted into worms in their stomach. This is a religious belief, however, there is also a scientific reason behind avoiding rice consumption of Ekadashi. It is a scientifically proven fact that air pressure in atmosphere changes on full moon day and this is evident from the tidal waves. On amavasya, because of strong gravitational force, there are high tides but from the next day, the pressure recedes. Hence, on the 11th day from New Moon or Full Moon days, the pressure is almost nil. Fasting on any other day can be really tiring as the atmospheric pressure will put a strain on the body, but same doesn't implies on the Ekadashi day. Hence, it is easy to cleanse our body especially bowel system and detoxify ourselves on Ekadashi.On the next day of Ekadashi (12th day from Full Moon or New Moon), it is suggested to have food early in the morning. This is done in order to avoid any pressure on the body. The breaking of fast is known as parana.

Another belief is that, on Ekadashi foods which have high content of water are shunned as water is linked with unsteadiness. It is a known fact that water is the most vital component during rice cultivation and also moon attracts water. If the one observing fast consumes rice on Ekadashi, then rays of moon will have negative effects on his/her mind. It will be difficult for the person to stay determined and complete the vrat. 

Therefore, it is advisable to observe fast on Ekadashi to let the body mechanism relax. Today fasting does not hold mere religious importance but is connected with health as well. Detoxification of the body helps in keeping you fit and healthy and this can be easily achieved with fasting.