News Lifestyle Beauty Colouring your hair for the first time? 5 Do's and Don'ts to keep in mind

Colouring your hair for the first time? 5 Do's and Don'ts to keep in mind

Transform your hair with confidence! Learn essential do's and don'ts for first-time hair colouring, including patch tests, quality products, and maintenance routines. Achieve vibrant results effortlessly.

hair colouring do's and don'ts Image Source : GOOGLE5 hair colouring do's and don'ts for first-timers

Deciding to colour your hair for the first time can be an exciting and transformative experience. Whether you're looking to cover greys, enhance your natural shade, or try something completely new, it's essential to approach the process with care to achieve the best results. Here are five essential do's and don'ts to keep in mind before taking the plunge into hair colouring.


Embrace the consultation: Before diving in, consult a professional hairstylist. They can assess your hair health, recommend suitable shades based on your skin tone and desired look, and advise on the best colouring approach for your specific needs.

Start subtle: If you're unsure about a dramatic change, opt for a shade within 1-2 levels of your natural hair colour. This minimizes the risk of unwanted tones or damage from excessive lighting.

Follow instructions carefully: Always read and follow the instructions provided with your chosen hair dye meticulously. Pay attention to application techniques, processing times, and aftercare recommendations to achieve the desired outcome without compromising the health of your hair. Skipping steps or improvising can lead to uneven colour distribution or damage.

Wear gloves: Protect your hands from staining by wearing gloves while applying hair dye. This will prevent your skin from absorbing the colour and minimize the mess during the application process.

Aftercare: Once coloured, your hair requires extra TLC. Use colour-safe shampoos and conditioners, minimise heat styling, and invest in a UV protectant spray to shield your hair from the sun's colour-fading rays.


Go DIY: Box dyes can be tempting, but they often lack the nuance and customisation offered by a professional. For a first-timer, the risk of uneven application, unwanted tones, or even hair damage is simply not worth it.

Skip the strand test: Neglecting to conduct a strand test before applying hair dye can result in unexpected outcomes such as uneven colouring, unwanted tones, or damage. Always perform a strand test, especially if you're trying a new colour or technique, to assess how your hair will react to the product.

Overdo it: Avoid over-processing your hair by applying multiple layers of hair dye or frequent touch-ups in a short period. Over-colouring can weaken the hair shaft, causing it to become brittle, dry, and prone to breakage. Stick to a conservative approach, allowing sufficient time between colouring sessions to allow your hair to recover.

Overwash your hair: Coloured hair is more prone to dryness and fading. Avoid washing your hair too frequently; 2-3 times a week is ideal. Use dry shampoo in between washes to maintain freshness.

Ignore heat styling damage: Heat styling tools can be harsh on coloured hair. Minimise their use and always apply a heat protectant spray before using a blow dryer, straightener, or curling iron.

ALSO READ: Limit Washing to Regular Trims: 5 tips to maintain healthy hair post-colouring