News Entertainment Hollywood Payne chooses girlfriend over band

Payne chooses girlfriend over band

London, March 4: Singer Liam Payne says he loves his dancer girlfriend Danielle Peazer so much that he can stay away from his band One Direction to be with her.One Direction also consists of Harry

payne chooses girlfriend over band payne chooses girlfriend over band
London, March 4: Singer Liam Payne says he loves his dancer girlfriend Danielle Peazer so much that he can stay away from his band One Direction to be with her.

One Direction also consists of Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik and Niall Horan.

"I can't stand being away from Danielle. If it's between the band and her, I'll choose her," quoted Payne as saying.

They are together for over two years, except for a brief split in September last year.