News Entertainment Hollywood A laser documentary to repay a debt

A laser documentary to repay a debt

Chicago, Jan 1: Indian American Manick Sorcar, who has devised a laser show to pay tribute to two eminent Indians, Swami Vivekananda and magician P.C. Sorcar, says he is only repaying his debt to them.Manick

"Swamiji" premiered last October 10 at the Grand Theatre of Science City in Kolkata. Sorcar said while he was deeply grateful for the critical acclaim, what touched him was the appreciation from the monks of Ramakrishna Mission.

"Vivekananda taught me no great work can be accomplished with gimmicks or publicity stunts. From my father, I learned stage art. To all that I have mixed my fine art and practical experience and educational background in electrical engineering and lighting. Laser is state-of-the-art in lighting, which I have mixed with live action on stage and tamed the dangerous light-beam to act as a harmless paint brush," Sorcar said.

Sorcar, who has won several awards in the US for his laser art, brought the technology and helped to build a laser animation laboratory for "Laser Lighting for Art and Animation" at Jadavpur University, where it is now studying towards a degree in electrical and illumination engineering.