News Entertainment Celebrities Disgusting! Taapsee Pannu slut-shamed and body shamed on social media for wearing a strapless dress!

Disgusting! Taapsee Pannu slut-shamed and body shamed on social media for wearing a strapless dress!

It's not the first time that Taapsee Pannu was trolled for her choice of clothes. But this time, the actress got back at them!

taapsee pannu trolled Disgusting! Taapsee Pannu slut-shamed and body shamed on social media for wearing a strapless dress!

It’s not the first time that an actress has faced the ruthless wrath of social media. In fact, it’s not the first time for Taapsee Pannu herself to have mercilessly trolled on social media. And for what? For wearing a strapless dress? For looking a size lesser than what the ‘stereotypical’ body standards are? Things were getting beyond control for the Judwaa 2 actress and thus she picked out at the trollers personally and shamed them publicly.

The beautiful actress posted a picture of herself wearing a strapless dress. The picture looked normal and worth hitting a like for. But some sick-minded people couldn’t gulp down the fact that a woman can dress in any way she wants. And hence, hell broke loose.

Twitterati started slut-shaming her on social media for wearing scanty clothes. Some even body shamed her for looking skinny. But Taapsee wasn’t going to take the backseat in the matter again. She did what was required. Before we read what she said on the matter, let’s read what the misogyny has to say this time.

"Due to such stuff male's attract to seduce girl. And harassment," one user wrote.

People find it funny to bodyshame anyone in public. It’s high time that people as such should be taught a lesson.

When you cannot do anything, slut shame a girl for everything she does, anything she says!

But Taapsee was quick to get back at her haters. She singled out these perverted minds and replied to them exclusively.

Her Judwaa 2 co-actor Varun Dhawan jumped into the scene to appreciate Taapsee for handling the situation in this manner.

I’m deeply disheartened by the likes of comments the actress received on just a picture she posted. Honestly, twice or thrice that I looked at the picture, I didn’t find anything even infinitesimally wrong with it. It’s the mentality that needs to be changed, not a woman’s attire.