News Entertainment Bollywood Oh miss! Besides Virat and Anushka; one more B-town couple was dinning at the same restaurant

Oh miss! Besides Virat and Anushka; one more B-town couple was dinning at the same restaurant

Besides Virat and Anushka, rumored couple Pulkit Samrat and Yami Gautam was also dinning at the same restaurant at same time.

virat anushka virat anushka

New Delhi: Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma made it to the news recently when they were spotted dinning at a Mumbai restaurant. After a long break, the love birds spent quality time with other and even went to Salman Khan’s house for night party.

It was something which cleared the air about their rumoured break up and restored the fact that everything is smooth between them.

Though interestingly, when paparazzi was busy clicking Virat and Anushka in one frame there was one more star couple dinning at the restaurant which went unnoticed.

As per the report published by a keading daily, the rumoured couple Pulkit Samrat and Yami Gautam were having dinner at the same restaurant at the same time.

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“The couple heard about the media photographing Virat and Anushka and decided to stay in until everyone left. They were done with their meal but decided it was better to stay put till the media left,’ said the report.

Well! Isn’t it quite interesting!

FYI! Pulkit Samrat recently separated with wife Shweta Rohira, who is Salman Khan’s rakhi sister. His affair with his ‘Sanam Re’ co-star was rumoured to be the reason behind thier split. Now, with this fresh report of Pulkit-Yami dinning out, the rumours have got the added fire.