News Buzz Mark Zuckerberg only ate meat of animals which he hunted - Weird eating habits of tycoons

Mark Zuckerberg only ate meat of animals which he hunted - Weird eating habits of tycoons

There are also few moguls whose eating habit might astonish you and one of them is Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg.

Mark Zuckerberg, Henry Ford, Steve Jobs Mark Zuckerberg, Henry Ford, Steve Jobs

Diet plays a vital role in enhancing personality of a person. Besides providing important nutrients to lead a healthy life, it also gives strength to work. People have always been curious about eating patterns of their favourite celebrities. From cricketers to actors, common masses derive inspiration from these icons. But there are also few moguls whose eating habit might astonish you and one of them is Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg
Many reports claim that Zuckerberg only ate the meat of animal which he hunted. However, now the young entrepreneur has realised the value of life of an animal. As per the website, Zuckerberg said that he has turned into a vegetarian. ''I’m eating a lot healthier foods. And I’ve learned a lot about sustainable farming and raising of animals. ''It’s easy to take the food we eat for granted when we can eat good things every day,'' Zuckerberg said.

Steve Jobs
As per the biography by Walter Isaacson, the co-founder of Apple Inc Steve Jobs is an extreme vegetarian and eats only carrots and apples. There are various reports which say that he eats carrots only when its colour becomes more orange. Jobs also believes that vegetarian diet helps in minimising body odour and hence he used to bathe just once a week.

Henry Ford
The founder of the Ford Motor Company, Henry Ford never went to a grocery shop. He used to eat sandwiches which had wild grasses from his garden stuffed in.