News Buzz Life 31st December 2014: The safest night for women in Mumbai?

31st December 2014: The safest night for women in Mumbai?

With 'new year' eve approaching, most of us are already done with plans for our evenings/night out to celebrate & welcome 2015 on a happy note.For males – 31st Dec night is an excuse to

31st december 2014 the safest night for women in mumbai 31st december 2014 the safest night for women in mumbai

With 'new year' eve approaching, most of us are already done with plans for our evenings/night out to celebrate & welcome 2015 on a happy note.

For males – 31st Dec night is an excuse to amalgamate drinking, parting, night out, driving and enjoying to core, without any fear (actually not just 31st night!)

But, on the other hand!

Females - who are always subjected to repeated & continuous threat of molestation, are quite hesitant in planning things that might extend to late night on 'new year' eve.

Though, many would attend the 31st December parties no matter what, but the concern of reaching home safely would surely prevail especially to their loved ones behind.

However, Mumbaikars, especially girls, this time have double reasons to enjoy this night to the fullest! They can actually celebrate their 'New Year's Eve' without the frown lines on forehead, if everything goes well in place thanks to Shiv Sena.

Hey ladies, forget virtual heroes- Batman, Superman, Spiderman and Shaktimaan!

Now! Mumbai's autowalas' and cab drivers have been instructed to ensure you reach home safely after celebrating the New Year eve, all thanks to Shiv Sena's initiative.

Shiv Sena, the political outfit which is known more for moral policing girls, this time has taken the pledge to make 31st December a happening affair for all the girls and women in and around Mumbai.

As per a news-birdie, Shiv Sena has sent out a diktat to almost 30,000-odd auto and taxi drivers affiliated to the party to ensure safety of women passengers on the night of December 31.

The drivers have been asked not to refuse long or short distance travel to any person, especially a woman.

Also, there would be an army of taxi drivers associated with Sena's Shiv Vahtuk Sena, which would look out for trouble makers in every nook and cranny of the city all through the night of December 31.

More than 16,000 rickshaws and 10,000 taxis would operate across Mumbai to guarantee that your New Year '2015' starts on a cheerful note for you and your family.

Wow...Isn't that amazing!

But! The real question is 'can we afford to take a sigh of relief thinking that Shiv Sena has now taken up the charge of security for woman?'

Would the party be efficient in providing security to each and every girl, who wants to celebrate New Year's Eve in a pub or a disc?

But, if this initiative (which is worth appreciation) taken by Shiv Sena goes in the right direction; it would surely clean some dirt off the image of drivers who end up suffering huge deterioration after the Uber incident.

However, another question which might get raised up is – Why aren't we seeing or have not until yet (for all these years) these drives or initiatives from the state police?

Haven't they learned any lesson from the past experiences, where woman were being molested/raped at public places during late night - Dec 16 Nirbhaya Rape Case and Dec 5 Uber Rape Case are the prime facie examples.

However, we all expect and pray that no such incident would ever happen again with any women/girl, not in Mumbai but across India.