News Buzz Life Fantastic Transformation! This Woman Loses an incredible 35 Kgs after discovering undiagnosed allergies

Fantastic Transformation! This Woman Loses an incredible 35 Kgs after discovering undiagnosed allergies

Almost every day, we come across stories of people losing tons of body weight and discovering a new personality. But what makes this story different from others is that the woman was gaining weight due

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Almost every day, we come across stories of people losing tons of body weight and discovering a new personality. But what makes this story different from others is that the woman was gaining weight due to her allergies. The doctors were unable to diagnose the cause of her increasing weight, and she decided to take matter into her own hands.

The woman, Katrina Buening from Missouri, USA had been suffering from body weight problems since she was a kid. In fact, she had gained weight up to 108 kgs and was unable to perform routine chores. From the age of 13, she had been consistently dieting in order to lose weight. But all in vain.

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Her excess weight had led her to diseases like hypothyroid, adult acne and arthritis which was heading towards depression, anxiety and even suicidal thoughts. She had been to a number of doctors but none of them could identify the cause.

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One fine day during an online challenge she realized that it was her food allergies that had been making her gain all the weight. Her food allergies were a direct cause for her inflating like a balloon.

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However, she did not sweat or spent hours at the gym. Katrina says that all you need is to devote 25 minutes for exercise every day. Apart from that, you need to keep a check on what you’re eating. Dieting is the most incorrect way of losing weight. Instead, eat a clean and balanced diet. Over the years, she has inculcated this habit in her routine and is now a fitness trainer. What an inspiration this woman is!

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Now that you have read this amazing story of her body transformation, there should be no reason for you to not lose those extra pounds. All it takes is a little bit of hard work and a whole lot of determination.