News Buzz Blah 8 funniest logics you'll only find in Bollywood movies!

8 funniest logics you'll only find in Bollywood movies!

Talking about logic in Bollywood films is something even the scriptwriters are barred from doing.Bollywood filmmakers stick to an evergreen plot, which would help them get the audiences' attention and that would be - a

6. In movie Sholay, village Ramgarh has no power connection in the village. But then...How come there is an overhead tank which would need a motor to pump the water up into the tank ?

7. In Jab Tak Hai Jaan- Anushka Sharma is shown as she is about to jump into icy cold water. Cool.. hmm? Wait… But she's standing on a rock in the middle of the river and she's dry. Totally! How did she get there without getting wet??

8. In PK - Aamir Khan learns the whole vocabulary of the language from a "prostitute" but doesn't have any idea about the word "condom" which he comes across in the second part of the movie.