News Buzz Blah Woman wears her engagement ring for a year without knowing about it. Here’s how

Woman wears her engagement ring for a year without knowing about it. Here’s how

This man made his girlfriend wear the engagement ring for year without her knowledge

woman wears engagement ring for year Woman wears her engagement ring for a year without knowing about it. Here’s how

Popping the marriage question to the girl of their dreams isn’t an easy task for men. They try different and innovative methods to propose their girlfriends. But that this man did was much beyond what we expected. He made his girlfriend wear the engagement ring for over a year, without even her knowledge! 

An Australian man named Terry made a necklace for his girlfriend Anna out of Huon Pine, a wood native to Tasmania for their one-year anniversary. He purposely hid an engagement ring inside the necklace. 

Anna wore that necklace for a year and a half without knowing about the ring hidden inside it. 

During a trip to Scotland in November 2016, Terry finally popped up the question and revealed the big secret. Before the proposal, Terry asked Anna for the necklace as if he was going to click a nice picture of it on some rocks. 

He grabbed a knife and broke the seal to find the hidden piece of jewellery inside it. He pulled the ring out of the locket and went down on his knees. She stood there completely confused and finally said ‘Yes’. 

It actually took her a couple of minutes to realise that the ring was hidden in the necklace she was wearing. And she was wearing her engagement ring for a year without even knowing about it. 

The love-struck couple is currently saving to own a home and will soon be hosting their wedding at their own house.