News AP News Trump faces complaints that new Iran sanctions are too weak

Trump faces complaints that new Iran sanctions are too weak

A conflict is brewing between the Trump administration and some of the president's biggest supporters in Congress over new sanctions to be imposed on Iran early next month.

Trump faces complaints that new Iran sanctions are too weak Image Source : APTrump faces complaints that new Iran sanctions are too weak

WASHINGTON (AP) — A battle is brewing between the Trump administration and some of the president's biggest supporters in Congress who are concerned that sanctions to be re-imposed on Iran early next month won't be tough enough.

As President Donald Trump prepares to re-impose a second batch of Iran sanctions that had been eased under the 2015 nuclear deal, conservative lawmakers and outside advisers have become worried the administration may break a promise to exert "maximum pressure" on Iran.

They are angered by suggestions that measures to be announced Nov. 5 won't include a provision cutting Iran off from a key component of the global financial system.

Disclaimer: This is unedited, unformatted feed from the Associated Press (AP) wire.