News AP News Puerto Rico approves laws for insurance holders post-Maria

Puerto Rico approves laws for insurance holders post-Maria

The governor of Puerto Rico has signed several laws to help protect insurance policy holders as thousands of claims remain unresolved more than a year after Hurricane Maria

Puerto Rico approves laws for insurance holders post-Maria Image Source : APPuerto Rico approves laws for insurance holders post-Maria

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — The governor of Puerto Rico has signed several laws to help protect insurance policy holders as thousands of claims remain unresolved more than a year after Hurricane Maria.

Gov. Ricardo Rossello said Tuesday that his administration was not pleased with how insurance companies handled complaints filed after the Category 4 storm hit last year.

One law now requires companies to start making partial payments under certain conditions shortly after a state of emergency is declared. Another creates special courtrooms and allows for mediation when there's a dispute over appraisals. A third lets officials fine insurance companies and take other actions if cases are not resolved promptly. A fourth will create micro insurance for low-income people.

Puerto Ricans were hit with higher premiums after the hurricane.

Disclaimer: This is unedited, unformatted feed from the Associated Press (AP) wire.