News AP News Brazil president announces intervention in Roraima state

Brazil president announces intervention in Roraima state

Brazilian President Michel Temer has announced a federal intervention in a northern state which has received an influx of Venezuelan refugees and been wracked by a security crisis

Brazil president announces intervention in Roraima state Image Source : APBrazil president announces intervention in Roraima state

RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — Brazilian President Michel Temer has announced a federal intervention in a northern state which has received an influx of Venezuelan refugees and been wracked by a security crisis.

Temer did not say what the "negotiated" intervention in Roraima state would entail.

The state has been the scene of an intense battle between criminal organizations for territory and influence. It has also been the major entry point into Brazil for Venezuelans fleeing political and economic turmoil in their homeland.

Earlier in the week, state police and prison officers protested a two-month delay in salary payments.

Temer said the government wants to pacify Roraima.

He said: "I spoke with the governor and the only hypothesis to solve the salary problem would be to decree the intervention until the new governor assumes office."

Disclaimer: This is unedited, unformatted feed from the Associated Press (AP) wire.