1. Indian Peafowl: Also known as the national bird of India, this magnificent bird is admired for its iridescent blue and green plumage.

1. Indian Peafowl: Also known as the national bird of India, this magnificent bird is admired for its iridescent blue and green plumage.

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2. Himalayan Monal: With its striking metallic green and blue feathers, the Himalayan Monal is one of the most beautiful birds found in India.

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3. Indian Roller: Known for its bright turquoise blue and chestnut plumage, this bird can be seen perched on electric wires or fluttering its wings in flight.

Image Source : Freepik

4. Indian Pitta: This small, colorful bird is known for its bright green, blue, and orange feathers, making it a treat to spot in the dense forests of India.

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5. Malabar Trogon: With its vibrant green, red, and yellow plumage, this bird is a delight to watch as it flits through the dense foliage of the Western Ghats.

Image Source : Adobe Stock

6. Black-necked Crane: The striking black and white plumage of this bird, combined with its red crown, makes it a beautiful sight in the high-altitude regions of Ladakh.

Image Source : Adobe Stock

7. Great Indian Hornbill: With its large, curved beak and black and white feathers, this bird is hard to miss as it flies through the forests of Northeast India.

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8. Painted Stork: With its pink and white feathers and black-tipped wings, this bird is a stunning sight as it wades through the shallow waters of wetlands.

Image Source : Adobe Stock

9. Sarus Crane: The tallest flying bird in the world, the Sarus Crane has a beautiful grey plumage and is known for its courtship dance, making it a fascinating bird to observe.

Image Source : Adobe Stock

10. Asian Paradise Flycatcher: With its long, elegant tail and white and chestnut plumage, this bird is a graceful and charming sight as it flits through the forests of India.

Image Source : Adobe Stock

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