5 healthy snacks to satisfy junk food cravings

5 healthy snacks to satisfy junk food cravings

Image Source : Freepik

Popcorn: Air-popped popcorn is low in calories and high in fibre. It's a great alternative to chips when you're craving something crunchy. Add a sprinkle of nutritional yeast or herbs for flavour without added calories.

Image Source : Freepik

Greek Yogurt with Fruit: Opt for plain Greek yogurt and add your favourite fruits like berries, bananas, or apples for natural sweetness and vitamins. This snack provides protein, calcium, and probiotics to keep you satisfied.

Image Source : Freepik

Veggie Sticks with Hummus: Crunchy vegetables like carrots, celery, and bell peppers paired with hummus make for a satisfying snack. Hummus adds protein and healthy fats, while veggies provide essential nutrients and fibre.

Image Source : Freepik

Dark Chocolate Covered Almonds: When you're craving something sweet and indulgent, reach for dark chocolate-covered almonds. Dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants, while almonds offer healthy fats and protein to keep you feeling full.

Image Source : Freepik

Rice Cake with Avocado: Spread mashed avocado on a rice cake for a satisfying snack that's both creamy and crunchy. Avocado provides heart-healthy fats, while the rice cake offers a light and crispy base. Add a sprinkle of salt and pepper for extra flavour.

Image Source : Freepik

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