5 healthy alternatives to potato chips

5 healthy alternatives to potato chips

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Kale Chips: Kale is packed with vitamins and minerals. Toss kale leaves in olive oil, sprinkle with a pinch of salt, and bake until crispy for a guilt-free snack that satisfies cravings.

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Carrot Chips: Thinly slice carrots, lightly coat them with olive oil, and season with your favorite spices before baking until crispy. Carrot chips offer a satisfying crunch with a dose of beta-carotene for eye health.

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Roasted Chickpeas: A crunchy and protein-packed alternative, roasted chickpeas are easy to make. Simply season canned chickpeas with spices like paprika, cumin, and garlic powder, then bake until crispy for a savory snack.

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Apple Chips: Slice apples thinly, sprinkle with cinnamon, and bake until they reach the desired crispiness. These sweet and crunchy chips provide a dose of fiber and natural sweetness without added sugars.

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Zucchini Chips: Zucchini slices can be transformed into crispy chips with olive oil and seasoning. Bake until golden brown for a low-calorie, vitamin-rich snack option that satisfies cravings for crunch.

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